



– 面粉 200克

– 牛油 100克

– 糖 50克

– 鸡蛋 1个

– 泡打粉 3克

– 盐 1克

– 肉松 适量


1. 把软化的牛油和糖放入容器中,用电动打蛋器打至发白。

2. 加入一个鸡蛋,搅拌均匀。

3. 面粉和泡打粉过筛后倒入,加入一小勺盐。

4. 用手揉成光滑的面团。

5. 将面团放入冰箱冷藏20分钟,取出后擀成薄片,然后用饼干模具压出形状。

6. 将饼干放入烤盘上,撒上适量的肉松。

7. 放入预热至180°C的烤箱中,烤制12-15分钟至金黄色即可取出。




Modern Twist with Meat Floss: Unveiling the Recipe for Meat Floss Biscuits

Meat floss is a widely adored ingredient that is famous for its crispy and delicious taste, and it is widely used in cooking and baking. Among the culinary masterpieces, meat floss biscuits have been especially prominent. Today, we will explore how to innovate with meat floss in creating delicious cuisines. In this article, we will introduce the method of making delicious meat floss biscuits.

First, let’s take a look at the process of making meat floss biscuits.


– 200g flour

– 100g butter

– 50g sugar

– 1 egg

– 3g baking powder

– 1g salt

– Appropriate amount of meat floss


1. Place softened butter and sugar in a container, and beat with an electric whisk until they become fluffy.

2. Add an egg and mix well.

3. Sift the flour and baking powder into the mixture, adding a pinch of salt.

4. Knead the dough into a smooth texture.

5. Chill the dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then roll it out thinly and use biscuit molds to create shapes.

6. Place the biscuits on a baking tray and sprinkle with an appropriate amount of meat floss.

7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 12-15 minutes until golden brown.

The finished meat floss biscuits are crispy and delicious, deeply loved by many. The rich texture and aroma of the meat floss add a unique flavor to the biscuits. The simple and easy method of preparing this dish is suitable for DIY at home. It can not only accompany your afternoon tea but also be given as a gift to friends and family.

Meat floss biscuits have gradually become a new favorite in the culinary world, frequently appearing on various social media platforms and highly praised by foodies. The crispy texture and rich aroma of the meat floss make it irresistible, leaving a lasting impression and becoming an object of desire. The easy preparation of meat floss biscuits has made it a popular delicacy, deeply loved by many.

As a trendy cuisine, meat floss biscuits are not only a delight for the taste buds, but also an innovation and exploration of traditional ingredients. With simple ingredients and easy steps, foodies can easily enjoy this delicacy at home. Similarly, this has revitalized the traditional ingredient of meat floss, ushering in a new lease of life. With the popularity of this dish, it is believed that meat floss will have an even more solid position in culinary culture.

Through the creativity and innovation embodied in the making of meat floss biscuits, it is clear that they have become a culinary masterpiece that has captured the hearts of many. With its simplicity and delightful taste, it has won the admiration and love of food enthusiasts everywhere, making it a timeless and adored creation in the world of gastronomy.


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